Finally picked up an IrDA transciver based on mcs7780 chipset for getting Subsurface working with our Lunas. had a bunch of trouble getting it working with Linux, but found a wonderful walkthrough at kartadmin that laid out how to get it all working.

quote for quick reference:

  1. Download and install the irda-utils package for your distribution
  2. Upon inserting the device, this adapter will automatically be recognized as ID 9710:7780 MosChip Semiconductor MCS7780 4Mbps Fast IrDA Adapter and the mcs7780.ko driver loaded
  3. The user will likely have to manually load the IRCOMM driver as root user, e.g. modprobe ircomm-tty *, which will automatically load ircomm.ko as well. [this automagicly loaded for me.]
  4. Now, the irda0 pseudo device will be available, e.g. iwconfig will list irda0, but ifconfig won’t as the irda0 interface hasn’t been initialized.
  5. So as root, execute ifconfig irda0 up which initializes the irda0 interface [THIS is the magic command that makes it all work that seems to be missing from a few guides —Alex.]
  6. Next as root, execute irattach irda0 -s (discovery)
  7. Next as root, execute irdadump in a terminal
  8. Next power on your irda device, e.g. a PDA, and place it next to the Syba USB dongle. Watch the output of the terminal running irdadump and you’ll see the Syba acknowledge the presence of the IrDA device. Sweet, eh? ;) When you’re satisfied that your IrDA device is being acknowledged, naturally close the terminal running irdadump.
  9. Now, use the virtual serial device, /dev/ircomm0 , to communicate. Personally, I used JPilot to test this IrDA functionality.