After being left stranded on the side of the road with a failed TFI… AGAIN. It’s time to pull the trigger and move to d585s LS2 ‘Truck’ coils.
First step was to expose the harness from the engine bay back through to the ECU and add the 4 leads needed for the sequential ignition. Since these will pull a bit more current than the TFI + Coil used previously, the +12v feed from the main harness was no longer going to cut it. Furthermore, there was no place to mount them easily in the engine bay.
So I made some room. Removing the stock battery mount, and relocating it behind the passenger seat. This caused a list of knock on effects, requiring relocating the starter solenoid to the passenger shock tower, and installing a relay and fuse block to the driver’s side shock tower. Additional cleanup involved moving the ECU engine grounds from below the turbo to under the intake manifold to connect with the primary engine to chassis ground point.
The LS2 coils were then installed where the stock battery was located, and primary wires cut to length. The original distributor was removed, and replaced with a late model ranger cam sync sensor. A few minor changes to firmware configuration later, the key was turned, and it fired right up.
I had been chasing a misfire under light cruise as well as under WOT for years; after the LS2 coil swap, both instances were resolved completely.